
ME. ME iiTSz ALL bOUt MEE!!!

About Me

whuts up myspace ?? my name is esther, nd im cuban. iim currently blowiin 16 candlesz, nd ii live in dade county [triple c..sz]..
iim bettuh known as pookiie.. ii attend american senior high.. [dem patriotsz!] iim class of 2009.. YES!!

iim really an opinionated person, nd ii dont take NO for an answer. iim VERY selfish, nd ii become rude to anyone who gets on my NERVES,
SAYS stupid things to me, or DOES anything stupid. ii am VERY outgoing, nd wen its tym to have FUN, ii do just dat. Yes, ii LOVE to party, wen ii do have da time to.

ii live life in my own world.. so that means ii see no hoe, fear no bitch.
ii dont have time 2 play games wit these stupid-ass lil niggas down hea. so if u think u got whut it takes to step up to da plate, go ahead.
ii lyk all types of music including hip-hop, rap, pop, punk, alternative, some country.. ii like all types of trance/house/dance/techno music.. just ANY kind of music that sounds good to me.[im random!]

honestly, ii personally [dont care] if u like me or not. juss plz do yo self a favor &&.. keep my fck..n name out of ya mouth.
iim a very loud &&.. outspoken person, &&.. ii don’t think b4 ii open my mouth. unfortunately, ii have hurt quite a few people both physically &&.. emotionally. But ii cant take anything back..
whutsz done is done. ii like most ppl, &&.. ii probably wont lyk u. ii dont let a lot of people get close to me. ii may be a little violent.. [or maybe VERY], but if u dont disrespect me, u wont have to see dat side of me. ii like it wen ppl hate me b4 dey even meet me. no bitches, ii don’t want ur man.. [but your man may want me.] yes iim a bitch.. [Born Intentionally To Correct Hoesz..]
well daz enuff of me..
so don’t jocc whut ya cant rocc !!
YAA diggg ???
Name Esther Arias
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Miami, FL
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Both
Status Single

Contact Me

IM baddest_princess1120@hotmail.com, xpookiieszdopex, baddest_princess1120@yahoo.com
Website myspace.com/msz_breezysz_sexxii_09


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By freeflow on Jul 22, 2007 8:00 pm · History


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Registered Jun 6, 2007
Last update Jul 22, 2007

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